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Sermon Audio Archive
- Pastor Roman Beresnev "Righteous and Stubborn"
- Pastor Roman Beresnev "Look Up"
- Elder Ovidiu Zanfir "Unity
- Pastor Roman Beresnev "Which is Worse?"
- Pastor Roman Beresnev "Blessed Hope"
- Elder Don Buck "Amazing Grace"
- Pastor Morgan "Fools for Christs Sake"
- Pastor Roman Beresnev "A Look At Calvary"
- Pastor Morgan "Nevertheless"
- Travis Dean "A Time of Reformation"
- Pastor Roman Beresnev " Are You An Average Person?"
- Paul Virtue "The Body of Christ"
- Elder Ovidiu Zanfir "The Locust Syndrome"
- Kingsbury SDA School Program
- Mihai Irimia "Choose Wise"
- Pastor Roman Beresnev "Tylenol for Christians"
- Pastor Morgan "From Horeb to Kadesh-Barnea"
- 71517 Suzanne Washburn "Salvation Comes From Above"
- Paul Virtue "Let It Rain Let It Pour"
- Suzanne Washburn "I AM"
- Pastor Arthur Morgan "The Man God Sought To Kill"
- Cliff Hurd "The Invitation of a Lifetime"
- Mihai Irimia "I Promise You"
- Pastor Roman Beresnev Share Your Blessings
- Elder Ovidiu Zanfir "Lord, Teach Us To Pray"
- Special Music 11/25/2017
- Travis Dean "Know and Understand"
- Mihai Irimia "A Useless Fight"
- Pastor Morgan "Restoring Power Of The Spirit"
- Pastor Claudio Gomez "Just Like Jesus"
- Paul Virtue "What are you waiting for?"
- Ovidiu Zanfir "As It Was In the Days of Noah"
- Jim Hammer "It's a salvation Issue"
- Cliff Hurd "In The Light of Jesus"
- A Morgan "Four Anchors That Hold"
- Suzanne Washburn "His Sacrifice"
- Mihai Irimia "Where Is My Church?"
- "Running the Race" Dale Ford
- Cliff Hurd - Panoply of God 10/27/18
- Chris Kober "She Did What She Could"
- Waiting for the Gift _ Paul Virtue
- 12.8.2018 Anthony Castle_60 minutes...will change your life forever
- Travis Dean "Are You Ready?"
- Pastor Roman Beresnev "Prayer Session 777"
- Christmas Program 12.22.18
- Cliff Hurd "Unlimited Supply"
- The Seal of God - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- Ovidiu Zanfir "Last Days Elijah"
- Travis Dean 2.2.19 - The Church's Greatest Need
- Mihai Irimia "Maybe..."
- Pastor Roman Beresnev "Christian Hope"
- Ovidiu Zanfir "The 25 Thrones"
- Suzanne Washburn - Without Him
- In the place of Christ - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Dealing With Frustrations" Pastor Arthur Morgan
- Experiencing the Second Coming - Elijah Dean
- "Is He Coming?" Mihai Irimia
- "Sighns of the Covenant" Roman Beresnev
- "The Kindness of God" Denis Kaiser
- "Unexpected Issues" Pastor Arthur Morgan
- "Our Primary Purpose" Cliff Hurd
- "My two Cents" Ovidiu Zanfir
- "Gods Hand In Your Life" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- Dale Ford "Christian Fathers in a Pagan World
- "The Circle" Mihai Irimia
- "Our Gospel" Ovidiu Zanfir
- "Even In The Fire" Cliff Hurd
- "Till He Comes" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "The 7 D Sins"
- Ovidiu Zanfir: The Two Ditches
- "Jesus In Me" Cliff Hurd
- "The Experience of Salvation" Mihai Irimia
- "Over Again?" Pastr Roman beresnev
- "God's Role in the Death of Wicked" Richard Wielt
- "Where Do We Stand?" Elder Ovidiu Zanfir
- "The Remnant and its Mission" Mihai Irimia
- "The 5th Cup" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "The Ten Virgins" Ovidiu Zanfir
- "What is the seal of God?" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Exalting Jesus" Cliff Hurd
- "I am Rich and In Need of Nothing" Elder Ovidiu Zanfir
- "Rejected by Men" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Justification and Reformation" ATTY Eusy Charles
- Thanksgiving Program
- "Join the Selected Club" Mihai Irimia
- Christmas Concert
- "Who's Hungry?" Travis Dean
- "Remedy for Guilt" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Receiving Faith" Cliff Hurd
- Leo Milman - God's Job Interview - 1.25.2020
- "I have set my eyes on another time" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "We Must Be Born Again" Suzanne Washburn
- "The Waiting Room Part 3 - Waiting for the King" Paul Virtue
- "Christians Under Microscope" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "What kind of Tree are You?" Mihai Irimia
- "Persecution or Amalgamation? Adrian Marinescu
- "Can We Know Good and Evil?" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- Ovidiu Zanfir 6.13.20
- "Buy Local" Mihai Irimia
- 7.4.20 Sermon - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "In God we Trust?" Paul Virtue
- "Spiritual Warfrare" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Hold Fast" Cliff Hurd
- "Preach the Word" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- Memorial Service for John Hoague
- "The Irrefutable Power Of God" Dalton Lurchmansingh
- "I Refuse to Live in Fear" Ovidiu Zanfir
- "...And The Books Were Opened" Mihai Irimia
- "Serve of God or Slave of Sin" Ovidiu Zanfir
- "War and Peace" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- Burn the Ships - Paul Virtue
- "The Helpers" Angela Heisey
- "Until He Comes" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Before and After Christ" Mihai Irimia
- "Seek, Knock, Ask" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Four and Five" Ovidiu Zanfir
- "Hiding the Treasure" Paul Virtue
- "We Need Rain" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "What Jesus is Doing Now" Travis Dean
- Pastor Roman Beresnev "Standing on the promises"
- Cliff Hurd Jesus Words Are
- "The Christmas Rescue" Paul Virtue
- "The Little Horns Distortion of Gods Law" - Butch Wielt
- "Pray Pray Pray" Mihai Irimia
- "A New Year - A Time of Renewal" Merlin Cochran
- "Remember" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Angels Among Us" Paul Virtue
- "Do No Be Afraid Little Flock!" Pastor Luis Soto Rodriguez
- "What did Jesus pray about us?" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Pure Words" Cliff Hurd
- "Abiding in Christ" Suzanne Washburn
- "With All Your Heart" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Fatal Sleep" Travis Dean
- "In Memoriam - Richard Wielt" Mihai Irimia
- "What Is It All About" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "I couldn't give up my fried chicken" Larry Hayes
- "Where have you laid him?" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Victory in Jesus" Cliff Hurd
- "Third Angel's Message is All About Jesus!" Mihai Irimia
- "What Are We Looking At?" Bastor Roman Beresnev
- Youth Sabbath Rebekah Virtue Katerina Beresneva
- "Amazing Grace" Pastor Roman Beresenv
- "Repentance & Confession" Joshua Fraker
- "Sermon For My Church" Mihai Irimia
- "Thirst No More" Donald Buck
- "Feeling Small in a BIG World" Paul Virtue
- "Drift Free" Cliff Hurd
- "Does Jesus Have Three Sides?" Larry Hayes
- "Do You Believe" Suzanne Washburn
- "A Wretch Like Me" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Confusion" Dale Ford
- "Before, During, and After Covid" Mihai Irimia
- "2, 10, or 613" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Salt of the Earth" Don Buck
- "Search Me" Larry Hayes
- "Can We Know Good & Evil?" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Morning by Morning" Cliff Hurd
- "Rest In Peace" Paul Virtue
- "What Does Bring People To Christ?" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- Merlin Cochran "Why I Am An Adventist"
- "Freedom Of Choice" Mihai Irimia
- "The King Wants In!" Travis Dean
- "Joy" Suzanne Washbun
- "When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder" Paul Virtue
- "Trust In The Lord" Don Buck
- "Lest We Forget" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Loving The Cross" Cluff Hurd
- "Let Me Tel You A Story" Larry Hayes
- "Righteousness By Faith!" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "So Send I You" Suzanne Washburn
- "Another Kind of 'Remember'" Mihai Irimia
- "Are We Ready For A War?" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "The Power Of Words" Elder Donald Buck
- "Righteousness by Faith" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "City of Peace" Paul Virtue
- "Power of the Word" Cliff Hurd
- Pastor Roman Beresnev "The New covenant"
- Larry Hayes "It's My Body"
- "Praise and Revival" Suzanne Washburn
- "Brothers and Cousins" Mihai Irimia
- "Who Are We?" Paul Virtue Jr.
- "Deep Water Faith" Elder Donald Buck
- "It is to Your Advantage" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Who Do You Say I Am?" Cliff Hurd
- "Have I received the Holy spirit?" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "A Father Love" Paul Virtue
- "The Midnight Cry" Mihai Irimia
- "Truth and Love" Larry Hayes
- "Have I reveived the Holy Spirit?" Part 2 - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Ambassadors For Christ" Suzanne Washburn
- "A Storm at Sea!" Elder Donald Buck
- "The Abomination of Desolation!" Mihai Irimia
- "The Sunday Law" Mihai Irimia
- "Have We Forgotten?" Paul Virtue Jr.
- "You Are Better" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Surviving the Storm" - Paul Virtue Jr.
- "The Little Time of Trouble" Mihai Irimia
- "The Lords super before second coming" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "For This Very Reason" Cliff Hurd
- "Jacob's Time of Trouble" Mihai Irimia
- "How to Walk in the Spirit? - Part 1" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Valley of Dry Bones" Don Buck
- "A Pilgrims Journey" - Paul Virtue Jr.
- "What is the Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God According to The Bible?" - Gary Bombard
- "How to Walk in The Spirit?" Part 2 - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Coming From Afar" - Paul Virtue Jr.
- "Look for the Footprints" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Knowledge - Power" - Cliff Hurd
- "The Seven Churches of Revelation" - Mihai Irimia
- "In The Lord" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "The Good Shepherd" - Suzanne Washburn
- " Dragon Breath - Satans Lies" Gary Bombard
- "How to walk in the Spirit part 2" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- Larry Hayes " Lord what did you mean when you said"
- "Two Kingdoms | One King: Part 1" - Paul Virtue Jr.
- "The Seven Seals of Revelation" - Mihai Irimia
- All To Him I Owe Suzanne Washburn
- How To walk In The Spirit part 3 Roman Beresnev
- "Jesus Says..." - Cliff Hurd
- "Two Kingdoms | One King: Part 2" - Paul Virtue Jr.
- "Our Present Truth" - Lisa Lothian
- Christ's Object Lesson Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "A Look at Love" - Larry Hayes
- Sunday Law How Close Are We Gary Bombard
- "The Reunion!" - Mihai Irimia
- "Revival and the Holy Spirit" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- How Much Are You Worth Cliff Hurd
- Prophets And The Gift Of Prophecy: Myth Or Reality? Mihai Irimia
- "Witnessing for Jesus" Suzanne Washburn
- "The Truth of the Matter is..." - Larry Hayes
- Staying Connected To The Source Cliff Hurd
- Kingdom of Heaven Series "The Sower" Part 2 Paul Virtue Jr.
- Waiting for His Return Mihai Irimia
- "Message to an Atheist" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Journey to the Stars" - Paul Virtue Jr.
- "Abide in His Presence" - Cliff Hurd
- "Elisha Does Not Come to Everyone" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- Am I My Brothers Keeper and Prayer Warrior Too? Suzanne Washburn
- Blue Mountain Academy
- "Do You Love Me?" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- Where are you Larry Hayes
- "No Guile" - Lisa Lothian
- "Are the Dead Really Dead? - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "The Patience of the Saints" - Mihai Irimia
- "Training for Triumph" - Cliff Hurd
- "Whiter Than Snow" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- By Faith Suzanne Washburn
- "Joy To The World" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Do I Really Have To?" - Larry Hayes
- "Healing with Guilt" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "A Living Soul" - Gary Bombard
- "One in Christ!" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Come to the Wedding" Mihai Irimia
- "Treasure Hunters" - Paul Virtue
- "Standing on the promises" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "The Greatest Love Story" - Paul Virtue Jr.
- "Was Jesus a Pharisee?" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Do We Really Need Prophets?" - Mihai Irimia
- "'The Three Who Are One" - Sandy Cregan
- "Daniel's Prayer" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Believe the Promise" Pastor Dan Whitlow
- "Follow Me" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Me Chosen by God" Dominga Velazquez
- Its All About Jesus Cliff Hurd
- "End Time Scenario in a Nutshell" - Gary Bombard
- "Yes but No" - Mihai Irimia
- "Seems Simple To Me" - Larry Hayes
- The Testimony of Jesus Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Remember the Sabbath" Gary Bombard
- I Believe Suzanne washburn
- "Take Time To Be Holy" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Like Father Like Son" Paul Virtue Jr.
- "Marching to the Heavenly Canaan" - Mihai Irimia
- "North or South" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Enduring Word, Living Hope" Cliff Hurd
- "A Case of Mistaken Identity" Gary Bombard
- "Has Christianity Become Toothless" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- Escape From Babylon Paul Virtue
- Empowered to choose Mihai Irimia
- "The Sun Of Righteousness" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Precious Faith, Precious Promises" - Cliff Hurd
- "Should we Fear God?" - Mihai Irimia
- "How to Trust in Times Like This?" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Are we Complacent? ~An End-Time Message~" - Larry Hayes
- "What Is Jesus Inviting Us To?" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Why I am an Adventist?" - Pastor Merlin Cochran
- The Rock That Overwhelms Cliff Hurd
- "When will God Judge the Living?" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Why I Keep the 7th Day as Sabbath" - Pastor Merlin Cochran
- "The Trusth About Hell" Gary Bombard
- "What Pronouns Do You Use?" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Coming Home" - Paul Virtue Jr.
- The Word Became Flesh Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "The Cup!" - Mihai Irimia
- "I Will Sing Of My Redeemer!" - Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Believe in Jesus" - Merlin Cochran
- "The Future of the World" Pastor Roman Beresnev
- "Surprising the World" Merlin Cochran
- "Truth in an Age of Extremism" - Gary Bombard
- "Changing the World: One Meal at the Time" - Pastor Merlin Cochran
- Elijah's Call for Our Time Mihai Irimia
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